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PNG Government approves Petroleum licence for Papua LNG Project

 THE Papua New Guinea Government has ticked off the first step towards a development forum for the Papua LNG project, after Petroleum and Energy Minister Kerenga Kua endorsed three Ministerial Determinations.

The Licences include the:

  • PETROLEUM Retention Licence (PRL) 15 – application of Petroleum Development Licence (APDL) 15, application of Petroleum Pipeline Licence (APL) 18, application of Petroleum Processing Facility Licence (APPFL) 4
  • PIPELINE Export Route – APL 19 and 20 and Off-Shore; and
  • APPFL 5

“It is my pleasure to endorse the three Ministerial Determination instruments for the Papua LNG project in Gulf and Central,” Kua said.

“This allows the Papua LNG Project to proceed towards development.

“This is the first milestone in a series of regulatory steps that will culminate in a Development Forum where a development agreement will be signed by all beneficiaries and the State. Both events are anticipated to occur early 2024.

About 800 landowner representatives will be invited through this office to attend the Development Forum.

Kua said TotalEnergies PNG Limited and ExxonMobil Antelope Limited, as stipulated under Section 47 (5) and 63 (a) (iii), have compiled and submitted their respective social mapping and landowner identification (SM&LI) studies to the department on Sept 13 last year and May 12 this year.

“The Lobid (Landowner Beneficiary Identification) awareness and implementation was village-based. The identified clans in Gulf were verified and confirmed through the clan consent forms (CCF). Mid-stream offshore and the down–stream licences clans remain the same as identified through PNG LNG PPFL 2 Ministerial Determination Gazette No: G692 of 2015.

“A total of 224 clans were verified and confirmed in the Papua LNG Lobid exercise as identified through the SM&LI studies within the portions of land demarcated within PRL 15 (APDL 15, APL 18 & APPFL 4), Onshore and Off-Shore Pipeline Export Route (PER) (APL 19 and 20) and the APPFL 5. Of these, 138 clans in Gulf have been endorsed through the CCF. The remaining 86 clans in Central were also verified and confirmed through PNG LNG PPFL 2 and Kido PL (Pipeline Licence) 4 Segment 8 Ministerial Determination No: G692 on the Oct 23, 2015.

“This marks a significant milestone for the Papua LNG project, demonstrating their continued commitment to working closely with local communities and ensuring their involvement in the project’s development.


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