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Mine stoush between Solomon Islangs Governemnt and Operator Gold Ridge mine continues

The stoush between the Solomon Islands government and the operator of Gold Ridge mine is continuing.

The government rejected applications by the operator St Barbara to be allowed to release untreated water from the tailings dam - which contains high levels of arsenic and cyanide.

The mine has been closed since last April's floods - but St Barbara warns that the dam is at risk of overflowing, which could be detrimental to the nearby environment.

The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Environment, Dr Melchior Mataki, says the company's proposals are insufficient.

He says the water needs to first be treated – and the responsibility and costs should be covered by St Barbara, not the Solomon Islands' government

But in a recent statement, the Gold Ridge Mining Limited claimed it has done everything in its power to minimize the risk of overflowing and it called on the Government to approve its plans.
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