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Miner conducts training for PNG university students

STUDENTS from the PNG University of Technology visited Ramu NiCo project’s Basamuk (BSK) refinery in Madang recently, the company said in a statement.
It said 23 third-year applied chemistry students from Applied Science Department along with their lecturer Mary Kama, laboratory technicians and support staff travelled by Ramu NiCo work ferry on a special arrangement organised by the company.
The trip began with a safety induction session followed by a visit to the laboratory, where all chemical analysis from various processing stages was done.
Kama said: “Visit to the laboratory was highlight of the students’ excursion because all those students were taking applied chemistry and to see real work conducted gave them definite insights to what was to come for them in real work environment.”
“The students later visited the central control room, which is ‘nerve centre’ of the refinery, and then were taken on a guided tour around the refinery area to be shown high pressure acid leaching plant and the acid plant.
“The students were then shown the refinery’s finished product – mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) – by deputy manager processing P Guanhua. They were taken given a
overview of the nickel cobalt processing, starting from the extracting of the ore from the Kurumbukari Mine at Usino-Bundi, the slurry travel along the 135 pipeline to the processing plant at Basamuk Refinery.”
Kama said the refinery’s laboratory superintendent Liu Nanchai explained the different processes involved in analysing samples as well as instruments used.
She said the students would compile a report on the visit.
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