PNG Mining Authority halts field operations


 THE Papua New Guinea  Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) has suspended all its field operations until after the General Election 2022 for security reasons, says managing director Jerry Garry.

Garry said this included all mining warden hearings due to security concerns during the election period. He, however, said the MRA would only send out staff on urgent issues, such as any disruption to mining operations by landowners.

managing director Jerry Garry
managing director Jerry Garry

“All MRA field trips have been suspended due to security issues relating to the general election,” he said.

“But, if there are urgent meetings and issues that need to be resolved urgently, we will send our officers on the ground, issues such as disruption to mining operations by landowners.

“We are also trying as best as possible to bring parties if we can to Port Moresby, or a neutral place where our officers are not subjected to security issues.”

The MRA through the office of the registrar of tenements has put out a public notice advising the public that all mining warden hearings during the polling period from July 4 – 22 have been put on hold.

However, the authority said the State would be meeting stakeholders of the multi-billion Porgera mine in Enga next Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the status of negotiations and benefits achieved so far.


Next : PNG Mining Authority hails St Barbara’s efforts in making their waste disposal safe


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