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Mining Job : Graduate Geologist with St Barbara

 Job no: MK6GY

The Role

Reporting to the Chief Geologist, the successful candidate will undertake effective gathering, coordination and communication of geological data within the Geology team to ensure a high quality of grade control direction is given to the Mine Technical Services, Mining and Processing Operations teams to achieve production targets.

Mining Job : Graduate Geologist with St Barbara
Mining Job : Graduate Geologist with St Barbara 

This is a FIFO position, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional week will be required due to Covid quarantine, and therefore it will be a 28/14 roster. Point of Hire is restricted to Kavieng/Rabaul/Port Moresby/Lae/Mt Hagen or Tabar group of Islands.

The key roles and responsibilities include:

  • Monitor and minimise dilution impacts on ore block digging
  • Ensure ore delivery to correct destination
  • Ensure compliance to blend plan and report anuy deviations to plan
  • ROM and Stockpile Management
  • Complete post-blast mapping on benches and wall batters maintaining both quality and quantity standards
  • Plot mapping on bench plans timeously to aid in interpretation and discussion
  • Digitise mapping data into Geological package for Grade Control and Resource modelling work
  • Track drill pattern progress daily and input data into daily tracking sheets.
  • Visit RC rigs daily, complete safety observations and ensure sound QAQC for sampling collection and recording
  • Complete daily data entry requirements timeously and accurately.
  • Update drill data for GC rigs
  • Validate and enter RC collar, sample and assay data into relevant spreadsheet templates
  • Personally demonstrate a positive attitude towards working safely

Qualifications, Skills and Experience required:

  • Behaviour consistent with St Barbara’s Values
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a Geology related discipline
  • Ability to communicate across functional areas
  • Valid PNG class 6 or 3 license

The Offer

This is an excellent opportunity to work with a dynamic and motivated team of industry professionals with considerable experience in the demands and practices of the mining industry.

Simberi Gold Company Ltd offers a competitive remuneration package, commensurate with experience.

Short-listing for this position commences immediately and we do reserve the right to commence processing applications prior to the nominated close off date.

St Barbara is an Equal Opportunity Employer and in 2016, 2015 and 2014 was recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). St Barbara is the only mining company in Australia to receive this citation for three consecutive years. Recognition for St Barbara's commitment and achievement in eliminating the gender pay equity gap has also been recognised nationally through industry awards.

How to Apply 

You can apply online. 

Apply Now

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