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PNG MRA moves mine data online

 Papua New Guinea MINERAL Resources Authority has a website with information for investors on the country’s mineral sector, its acting managing director Jerry Garry says.

Speaking at MRA’s 15th anniversary celebration in Port Moresby on Friday, Garry said regulators, technical support and tenement sectors have moved mine data online over the last couple of years for investors and the public.

He said the website gives investors raw mineral data that includes details on rock form samples direct from mines as well as information on mine leases.

Garry said the aim of the “mineral tenement management project”, set up in 2014, was to give potential investors and mining licence holders access to leasing details from mines in the country.

He said developers or investors can also apply for mining licences using the site.

“The aim is for us to give potential investors from remote areas across the world a chance to analyse our mine data, it is important for bringing in investment,” he added.

“If you go online and click on the MRA website, you should be able to see the tenements.”

Garry, however, said the website does not include leasing details from every mine, with certain mine leases still confidential to public viewing.

“When mine leases are declassified, they are uploaded to the website for public scrutiny,” he said.

“Regulatory operations, process leasing proposals from investors as they arrive, go through the technical assessment sector.”

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