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Jobs for Engineering Students and Graduates with ExxonMobil PNG

 Job Notices from ExxonMobil PNG 

Calling all Engineering Students and Graduates! 

Applications are now OPEN for interns and graduates who are eager to explore engineering job opportunities with ExxonMobil PNG. 

We encourage all suitable candidates, including those from #PNGLNG Project areas, who meet the selection criteria and have strong communication and problem solving skills to apply. 

We offer employment opportunities as either direct permanent employment with ExxonMobil PNG (EMPNG) or through our contract agencies.

ExxonMobile PNG is Calling all Engineering Students and Graduates. Photo by ExxonMobil PNG

Permanent employment opportunities with EMPNG in technical and professional areas are posted on this page when available. Check this page regularly for opportunities.

Graduate, trainee, intern and student opportunities

ExxonMobil Engineering Recruiting Program is now open, Apply Now!

ExxonMobil PNG Limited is looking for Engineering Students and recent Engineering Graduates who are eager to explore engineering job opportunities with us.

Engineering job opportunities include positions in process surveillance, electrical power systems, instrumentation and controls, computer networks and systems, civil, geotechnical, machinery, mechanical integrity and pipelines.

The positions will be based in Port Moresby Headquarters, LNG Plant Site or Hides Gas Conditioning Plant.

To be eligible applicants must meet the following requirements: 

  •  Intern Opportunity (10-week program): Pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering in last two years of educational program (commence the internship in November 2021)
  • Graduate Opportunity: About to receive or have received a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering within the last three years (commence work in first quarter of 2022)
  • Students and graduates of all engineering disciplines are invited to apply
  • Excellent academic performance
  • Exceptional leadership qualities
  • Strong communications and problem solving skills
  • Experience utilising Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel

Please be aware that only ONLINE applications will be accepted and must be submitted at jobs.exxonmobil.com.

To apply please go to jobs.exxonmobil.com and follow these steps: 

  • Type ‘PG’ under search by location
  • Click job title ‘Graduate Engineering Recruitment Program’ or ‘Intern Engineering Recruitment Program’
  • Click on ‘Apply Now’ button and choose ‘Apply Now’
  • Register your email address and remember your password for future login
  • Please follow the steps until you reach the page where there is ‘Submit’ button, click ‘Submit’
  • Please do not submit applications through the mail

We only accept online applications and all applications must be received by 31 July 2021 for Intern program and 6 Aug 2021 for graduate program. 

Contract employment 

Contract employment is mainly conducted through the following recruitment agencies. We encourage you to contact agencies directly for contract employment opportunities.


Lynette Sisione

+675 320 3095


Charlene Trawen

+675 320 3095


Brunel International South East Asia PTE LTD*

Kerry Martin

+61 7 3007 7606


Luanne Yuambari & Trina Kedea

+675 321 9405


Placements (PNG) Limited*

Douglas Crook / Ellen Li / Jasmine Harrison 

+675 321 3600 

+617 3832 3377




NES Global Talent

Civan Koiri

+675  321 5817



*Agencies that have been afforded concessions by PNG Department of Labour and Industrial Relations and PNG Immigration and Citizenship Services departments to allow for express processing of PNG work permits and visas.

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