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PNG Government Gives Green light to Start Frieda River Mine Project

 The Papua New Guinea Government through the ENVIRONMENT and Conservation  has given the green light to the Frieda River mining project to move forward with measures to protect the environment. This was announced by the country's  ENVIRONMENT and Conservation Minister Were Mori

He said this after receiving the Sandaun government environment impact statement on the mining project which said its deposits contained the same style and characteristic as that of Ok Tedi and the

proposed Wafi-Golpu mining projects.

“They are related and because of that, the nature of mineralisation is refractory, meaning there is presence of sulphur,” he said.

“And for us to develop and exploit the resources at Frieda, we have to put in place measures that will mitigate the impacts on the environment.

“In the not so distant future, I would like to have an audience with governors of both East and West Sepik and their provincial governments as to how we could move forward the Frieda River development.

“Development can take place but is must be done with the understanding of both East and West Sepik.

“The potential impact on the Sepik River must be taken into account.

“The Sepik River has got a large catchment basin and all the creeks, tributaries that flow to the North of the Frieda River make their way down into the Sepik River.

“Currently, we have got ongoing issues pertaining to the environment.

“My department will ensure that in whatever we do to maximise the exploitation of our natural resources, we have to ensure that we do not destroy the the environment,” he said.


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