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Company gets high-grade gold results in Milne Bay , PNG

KINGSTON Resources Ltd has received high-grade gold results from recent trenching which has defined a new gold target at Umuna East within the 2.8 million-ounce Misima gold project in Milne Bay , Papua New Guinea.
A new area of trenching adjacent to recent drilling has produced gold mineralisation assaying up to 12.3 g/t (grams per tonne).
The work is being done as part of Kingston’s strategy to define early mill feed at the project on Misima Island.
Kingston Resources managing director Andrew Corbett said: “Umuna East is continuing to emerge as a priority focus for us in terms of delineating areas of shallow mineralisation that can underpin potential starter pits at Misima.
“The latest geochemical results from trenching highlight an exciting new shallow target immediately adjacent to our recent drilling and in an area with the potential to improve the existing resource.”
The trenching was undertaken to follow up the results of the company’s drilling campaign announced in January which confirmed the presence of significant shallow gold mineralisation at Umuna East.
Kingston is drilling the Ewatinona and Abi prospects within the Quartz Mountain area which is expected to contribute to a potential upgrade and possible expansion of the existing 220,000-ounce inferred resource at Ewatinona.
Following completion of this programme, it is anticipated that follow-up drilling will be undertaken at Umuna East where the new trench results will guide follow-up drill holes to delineate additional potential gold mineralisation in an untested pocket of Umuna East.
Corbett said they would continue to focus on improving their understanding of the area to increase confidence in the resource model.

The National/Pacific Mining News

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PNG's Pioneer Limestone Mine set to re-open

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