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Mining firm Newcrest celebrates safety milestone

Newcrest Lihir operation in Namatanai, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, recently celebrated five years of loss-time injury (LTI).
The company said in a statement that this milestone significantly showed that its safety and sustainability pillar was their top priority.
In a gathering at Lihir’s mine crib to mark this milestone achievement, the department reflected on its safety journey since the last LTI in 2013, and appreciated their efforts in committing to safety standards and practices.
Mine production superintendent Noven Giuna, said their safety milestone reflected growth within the department.
“We have built a stronger culture through NewSafe, which empowers us to make safe choices in everything we do, every time, every day,” he said.
NewSafe is the first pillar of Newcrest’s safety transformation plan that focuses on building a stronger safety culture at work and at home.
Mine manager Iso Ealedona encouraged employees to continue to commit to their NewSafe behaviours and three reasons for working safely every day.
“Before you go to work, remind yourself about your family and your goals,” he said.
“These are things that help us to keep focused and safe at work.
“Often we look for material things to empower each other to keep safe, but practices like caring for others and working together can empower us to be happy, safe and productive in our homes, communities and workplaces.
“I also acknowledge and thank former colleagues who were part of our safety transformation journey and have moved on in life.
“It has been a challenging but also rewarding journey.
“Empowerment also starts with practices and behaviours.
“When we ignore correct procedures, processes and safety practices, we put our lives and the lives of our colleagues at risk.
“We will continue to do everything we can, to ensure everyone is working safely and productively every day.”
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