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Oil Search confirms successful drill stem test for Barikewa 3 in PNG

Petroleum retention licence 9 (PRL 9) operator Oil Search confirms that the Barikewa 3 appraisal well in PNG  has successfully completed a drill stem test, producing gas from a 14m interval of the Toro Sandstone.
The well flowed gas to surface at 35 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscf/d) on a 68/64 choke.
Onsite analysis of the gas from the drill stem test and earlier wireline sampling confirms a dry gas with approximately 20 per cent nitrogen and very low levels of other impurities, in line with pre-drill expectations.
The main flow period of this test was witnessed on Tuesday by a high-level delegation including Gulf Governor Chris Haiveta, acting Secretary for Petroleum Kepsey Puiye, acting-director of Petroleum Bob Sari, and senior department officials.
Haiveta highlighted Oil Search’s significant investment in exploration and appraisal activities in the region.
He reaffirmed the support of his administration.
Barikewa 3 was spudded in late June and reached a total depth of 1943m on July 15.
The well successfully encountered gas in the target Toro and Hedinia Sandstone reservoirs, at depths in line with predrill expectations.
A gas-water contact was intersected in the Hedinia Sandstone.
Both reservoirs were well developed, with the Toro reservoir having better than expected thickness and quality.
As planned, the well will now be plugged and abandoned.
The Barikewa 3 appraisal well has successfully achieved its appraisal objectives through the collection of modern data.
This will help constrain the field’s resources and assist in establishing the optimal commercialisation pathway.
Participants in the well are Oil Search (PNG) Ltd – 45.1 per cent, Barracuda Ltd– 40.1 per cent and NPCP Oil Company Pty Ltd – 14.9 per cent.
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