Business Advantage PNG reports that exploration commenced in January in the areas which span two of the companies exploration leases in Irumafimpa and Kora.
With no previous drilling in the area between Irumafimpa and Kora, the area has significant potential for the company says K92 Mining’s Chief Operating Officer, John Lewins.
“It’s one of the most exciting bits of ground that I’ve seen, and one of the most exciting projects that I’ve been involved in—and that’s having spent almost 40 years in the industry,” Lewins tells Business Advantage PNG.
K92 Mining aims to ramp Irumafimpa up to full production by April this year and to commence production from the Kora deposit towards the end of this year, or early next year.
In an effort to step up production activity, there are two diamond drill rigs currently working on the ground, and a third rig ready to commence work at Kora in the coming weeks.
Picture: PNG Industry News/LoopPNG