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Miner reminded that ‘performance is crucial’

MINER RamuNico (MCC) Limited has been reminded that its investment in PNG is the single largest of Chinese origin in Papua New Guinea, and therefore its business performance was crucial. The prompting was from China’s commercial counselor to PNG, Cai Shuizeng, following a tour of the mine’s oper
ations in Kurumbukari and Basamuk in Madang Province recently.

“The company must bear in mind the overall situation and attach great importance to quality, safety and efficiency of this project, and to enhance the co-operation and friendship between the two nations,” Mr Cai said. Mr Cai said he was impressed with what he had seen, and commended the operators of the Ramu nickel and cobalt mine especially for achieving 100 per cent design capacity. His delegation travelled to Madang late last month to ensure higher safety standards of operation and production, self-checks and self-rectification of all overseas Chinese enterprises including RamuNiCo Mr Cai said the results were impressive, adding that the success of the project would inevitably improve the image of China in PNG and also strengthen the two countries economic and bilateral relationship.

The delegation visited the chromite concentrate stockpile, hydraulic sluicing section, washing plate and beneficiation plant at KBK mine. In Basamuk they toured the High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL), neutralisation and product area acid plant, limestone plant, warehouse and wharf and deep landfill areas. They had sought information on safety production, sales, environment protection, community construction and localisation. The site management used the opportunity to give the visitors, an update on the mine’s performance. Chairman of RamuNiCo ZongShaoxing, vice president Zhao Deqian and Xujian received the delegation on behalf of the company, and thanked the Mr Cai for his warmness and promised to work hard in delivering the project to the stakeholders successfully.
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