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Mine implements rehabilitation programme

 RAMU NiCo’s Kurumbukari mine in Madang is implementing its progressive rehabilitation exercise.
The exercise is required under the newly-approved Operational Environment Management Plan by the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority.
The progressive rehabilitation sub-plan is under the Environment Management Plan, apart from the other 19 sub-plans.
Last Thursday, 470 different species of native tree seedlings were planted to cover a mined out-pit area measuring 25,688 square meters.
The KBK mine management team including vice-president Zhao Deqian, deputy general manager of Ramu NiCo Commercial Liu Tianhua, sections supervisors and more than 60 nationals and Chinese staff volunteered to assist the Health, Safety and Environment team planting the trees.
KBK mine site environment officer Alex Kambual said the first pit was divided into three sections and progressive rehabilitation would continue after the planting of the native trees.
“There are three sections,” Kambual said.
“First is completed with 367 trees planted. The second section is partly completed. The final part will be rehabilitated soon covering the 25,688 square meters.
“The first trial rehabilitation started in 2013 but this is the planned and progressive exercise with specific technical application including recommended three meters grid spacing of native three species.”
Under the approved plan, re-vegetation and rehabilitation work have two objectives: rapid site stabilisation to minimise potential for soil erosion and re-establishment of a tropical forest ecosystem similar in composition to original forest to recover its habitat.
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