Miner: We will not scale down manpower

DESPITE some mining and petroleum companies in the country indicating reduction in manpower, Ramu NiCo project in Madang is not doing so, the company says.
Given lower commodity prices and other related economic issues, companies have made plans to cut down on their operations.
“Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Ltd is not laying off any of its employees. Its business as usual at our Kurumbukari mine site as well as the Refinery at Basamuk,” the company said.
Ramu Nico president Wang Jicheng in an internal memo to the staff said: “Be mindful that when other companies are laying off workers, Ramu NiCo is avoiding such action just to keep you (employees) working and having you get paid to support you and your family.” 
Jicheng highlighted that MCC group had assisted the company and acknowledged the Group for its financial support to ensure the project survives through the challenging period.
However, he urged the employees to make it their responsibility to make sure there was no misuse of company facilities, save power, water and not to abuse company facilities to do private jobs. 
“Please make cost saving as your business to help the big family, Ramu NiCo go through this challenging times,” Jicheng urged the employees. 
“Papua New Guinea is facing the worst of time as world metal price continuous to slump and most mining companies around the world and even in PNG have laid-off workers and reduce procurement in many areas of their operations to save costs.”
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