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Ramu NiCo set for emergency challenge

PREPARATIONS are well underway to host this year’s national mining emergency response challenge which kicks off this weekend in Madang, Ramu NiCo management (MCC) says.
The nickel/cobalt mine developer will be hosting the challenge for the first time. 
The company said support for the challenge had been received from Divine Word University and PNG Maritime College, for the use of their facilities for the various events.
The challenge would be made up of competing teams from mining and petroleum companies across PNG focusing on key events as teams test their skills in real life simulated scenarios including, fire fighting, first aid, breathing 
apparatus skills, rope rescue and theory. 
Event co-ordinator and emergency response training co-ordinator at Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari (KBK) mine Daniel Round said the challenge aimed to be the best using the available resources in Madang.
“This has been a very exciting time for us to expose the Madang facilities and the town itself and the Ramu Nico project located in the area,” Round said.
“We started planning for this event last year, to make sure everything runs smoothly over the four days and Madang residents 
should feel free to come and see the event.”
The challenge would attract guests from other mines in the country.
Ramu Nico would put two teams in again this year, combining KBK mine and Basamuk refinery.
Major sponsors in the Event include; Falck, Scott Safety, Fire Rescue Safety Australia, IPI, Drager, Chubb Fire and Security, Protector Alsafe, Dunlop PNG, Red Earth, Newcastle Rescue, Icom PNG, PWR Australia.
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