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Oil Search starts testing Gulf well

TESTING of the Antelope 5 well at the Elk/Antelope gas fields in Gulf in Papua New Guinea  has started.
Oil Search managing director said Peter Botten: “This marks the start of a comprehensive testing programme of the Antelope 5 well.
“The testing, together with the drilling of Antelope 6 on the eastern flank of the field, will help delineate the size, reservoir connectivity and productivity of the Elk/Antelope gas field.
“Results to date from the Antelope 4 appraisal well, which is presently suspended, and Antelope 5 have been largely in line with Oil Search’s pre-drill expectations.
“Both wells have provided significant new information that will assist in the evaluation of the field, which we believe has the potential to underpin a commercially attractive new LNG development.”
Oil Search is one of the partners in the Gulf LNG project with 23 per cent stake.
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