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PNG Minining Minister: Barrick should enter MoA

 Mining Minister Byron Chan has urged the developer of the multi-million kina Porgera mine in Enga, Barrick Gold Ltd, to be a party to the Porgera memorandum of agreement review.
This comes after Barrick refused to be a party to the MoA thus, becoming mere observers in the negotiations which did not go well with the landowners.
“I want to see a good working relationship between Barrick, landowners and Enga provincial government and its stakeholders. More importantly the landowners,” Chan said.
He said this following a meeting held recently in Port Moresby between the State, landowners, the Enga provincial government and Barrick.
Chan said a meaningful dialogue between the landowners and Barrick should prevail in terms of the Porgera MoA.
“I want to see Barrick Gold to be part of the Porgera MoA review and not as observers.
“This issue is outstanding at the moment and this has been my stand together with the landowners in the recently concluded Kokopo meeting,” Byron said.
The agreement between the landowners, the Enga provincial government and the State includes how to address environment damages and resettlement of the landowners whose land was taken up by the mine.
Chan reiterated that he stood committed with the Porgera landowners in addressing many of the issues captured in the review.
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