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An employee of Barrick Gold in Porgera escaped death, after being attacked by illegal miners.
Police on the ground could not reveal his identity but said, he breached orders to venture out of the safety zone.

The second phase of the call out operation to rid illegal miners in Porgera is currently underway.

The expatriate employee is attached with Barrick Gold Community Affairs department.

Police say, he bribed local boys in the area to escort him outside of the safety zone to take photographs of the demolition exercise.

But they were attacked by frustrated illegal miners.

He sustained injuries to his head, caused by an iron rod.

The mekim save operation is in its second phase in the Porgera valley.

Call out operation Chief Superintendent Norman Kambo told the people in the area that the second phase of the operation will be enforced with force and the public must cooperate.

A dawn raid on Friday saw police apprehended a lot of illegal miners.

But they have noticed a build of illegal firearms as well, which they say illegal miners are using to put up resistance.

The situation on the ground is tense and police have urged staff of Barrick Gold to follow orders issued by police.

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