New project for PNG women in mine affected areas

THE World Bank in partnership with PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum yesterday launched its women in mining and petroleum program.
The project, which was implemented by PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, is funded by the Japanese Development Social Fund (JDSF) grant.
More than K2 million has been injected into the project, which aims at empowering women in petroleum mine affected communities.
PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum executive director Greg Anderson said it was staggering to see what the project has done to women in the impacted areas. 
He said the project has made it possible for some or more women realise they can start small businesses with what they have.
He said that the project was funded by Japan through a grant to the government and will be implemented by them and managed by the World Bank.
The project’s program manager Lesley Bennet said this scheme will empower women and pilot programs to assist them develop businesses as well as empowerment and leadership schemes. She said there should be more programs similar to this for the women to create small scale businesses to support themselves and their families. 
The project will be reaching 15 impacted areas and has duration of four years. 
The program will focus mainly on vulnerable women including adolescent girls; women headed households; women without income and women who work in hazardous conditions as small scale miners. 
The project is a continuation of past programs also funded by JDSF which focused on social empowerment for women in the impacted communities. 
World Bank country manager Laura Bailey said women were often faced with negative impacts of mining and petroleum in their communities. She said negative impacts such as conflicts and violence or lack of services and lack of involvement in the benefits of more economic opportunities were huge issues faced by these women. 
She said the program seeks to improve the lives of women in tangible ways to benefit them, their families, and their communities. The communities targeted by the program will be Tolukuma, Kainantu, Lihir/Simberi, Samberigi, Kutubu, Kikori, Wau, Pogera, Maigari, Basamuk, Kurumbukari, Mt Bosavi, Koroba, Kiunga and Panguna.

Pacific Mining Watch/Post Courier
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