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Frieda Mining project is bad news for Fly River

WERA Mori made an interesting statement when he suggested that Ok Tedi Mine facilities along with the Fly River can be used as the government brings the Frieda prospect in the Sepik into operation (Oct 7).

With the OTML, PNGSDP and government saga still in debate, Mori appears not to have learned much, or is just absent minded.

The people of Western have political leaders, with whom this suggestion should be raised in the first instance.

The Fly River issue is currently a hot topic and further “thinking-aloud” on behalf of the government in the media by leaders is unneccessary and unhelpful.

I hope Mori will not go as far as proposing the discharging of the Frieda Mine waste into the Fly River as well.

The Fly River and subsequently, the people living along the Fly River, are already affected badly by the waste from the two mines, the Ok Tedi Mine in Western and the Porgera gold mine in Enga.

We are not asylum seekers settled in Western.

Pacific Mine Watch/The National
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