The university says that every year the Department of Pacific Affairs (DPA) at the ANU brings early career social science researchers from the Pacific to a two-week intensive workshop in Canberra, Australia, to work with experienced researchers, develop skills for social science research in the Pacific and present a paper on their current or proposed research.
"Examples of social science research fields include law, anthropology, development studies, political science or public administration, gender studies, geography, sociology, Pacific studies, and public health," the university said.
The colloquium is funded by the Australian government under the Pacific Research Program "and is part of DPA's broader commitment to building social science research skills in the region".
"We offer a limited number of scholarships to early career social science researchers from Pacific Islands Forum countries to participate in the colloquium. Scholarships cover full travel costs to and from Canberra, insurance, visa, accommodation and living expenses," the organisers said.
To apply to attend the colloquium you need to:
• Be currently undertaking social science research;
• Be doing research on, or applicable to, the Pacific;
• Be from a Pacific Islands Forum country;
• Hold a passport and be eligible for an Australian visa; and
• Be proficient in the English language.
The two-week program includes:
• Intensive introductory training on research design, methodology, methods and planning;
• Mentoring and feedback on your research and papers;
• Guided introductions to research resources;
• Visit to Parliament and social events.
To apply, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2018PRC. The application deadline is April 6 and successful applicants will be advised by May 21.
For more information email: dpa@anu.edu.au
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